This is a very good example of an English George III period, porcelain, coffee can, made by Spode, England in the early 19th century, circa 1810.
The can is nominally straight sided and has the Spode loop handle with a pronounced kick or kink to the lower part, with a lower attachment that curves out slightly from the cup. Spode is the only factory with a handle of this exact shape.
The can is decorated with one of their grey "bat printed" designs, showing game birds collected after the shoot. It also has hand painted gilded detail to both rims and the handle.
Similar Spode bat printed coffee cans are illustrated on page 25 in Steven Smith's book "Spode and Copeland," published by Schiffer.
This can is unmarked to the base as was often the case but this is definitely by Spode.
Overall a fine George 111rd coffee can having a very decorative pattern in lovely condition.
2.61 in
3.44 in
2.44 in
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SKU: P 1439
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